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Watching the Wetlands

Published May 16, 2019

The Great Miami Mitigation Bank is a literal field day for local college students. While University of Dayton Ph.D. student Michaela Woods is leading a research team working to restore the health of 30 acres of soil at the 360-acre site, Wittenberg University Associate Professor Dr. Amber Burgett and two of her advanced biology students […]

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Winging It

Published May 16, 2019

Some people bystand. Other people jump in lakes with both feet when a duck needs help. Jeremy Barkley is one of those people. On a brisk day in early April, Barkley — a Notre Dame Mission Volunteers AmeriCorps member serving at Five Rivers MetroParks — was birding at Eastwood MetroPark when he noticed a ring-necked […]

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Nature’s Classroom

Published May 8, 2019

Get Out & Explore Your MetroParks with Staff and Volunteer Experts Yvonne Entingh’s passion for backpacking began with an introductory program hosted by MetroParks. As MetroParks’ outdoor recreation specialists shared their personal adventures on the trails, how-tos and examples of what to pack, her interest continued to grow. Entingh recalled a MetroParks backpacking program that […]

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Office Park

Published May 8, 2019

Strengthen your work team while supporting your parks. Your Five Rivers MetroParks includes 18 parks, 160 miles of managed trails and 270 miles of river corridor — meaning parks and conservation staff have full plates when it comes to keeping those green spaces, waterways and habitats beautiful and thriving. It also means volunteer groups are […]

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100 Years of Hills & Dales

Published May 7, 2019

Parks and conservation efforts maintain this natural gem enjoyed by generations of locals. A visit to Hills & Dales Park was an exciting experience for Daytonians when it opened a century ago. With its carefully designed meadows, water and woods, the park was meant to recreate the perfection found in nature and provide a place […]

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Establishing Roots

Updated April 22nd, 2019

The roof at the Daybreak emergency shelter is about to turn green again. For the seventh year, youth experiencing homelessness will plant rows and rows of vegetables in the downtown Dayton building’s 1,200-square-foot rooftop community garden. Soil tilling will start after Easter, and seeds will drop after the last frost, says Samantha Kirby, a Daybreak […]

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Garden to-dos in April

Published April 19, 2019

Despite a few last-gasp winter temperatures, March was a good month to start getting ready for gardening season. Now, you should be all set to finish prepping so that in May you can hit the ground with the rest of your planting. Inside jobs It’s too early to put summer bulbs like caladiums and tuberous […]

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Field of Dreams

Published April 19, 2019

Michaela Woods just landed the best project ever. The University of Dayton doctoral student of forestry ecology and management (perfect last name for that, right?) is working with Five Rivers MetroParks to reclaim a 230-acre former farm in Trotwood’s Great Miami Mitigation Bank. Woods is focused on the 30 acres in the southwest corner, along […]

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LWC Partner Appointed to MetroParks Board of Park Commissioners

Published April 9, 2019

DAYTON, OH (April 9, 2019) — Five Rivers MetroParks welcomes Bear Monita to its Board of Park Commissioners. Judge Alice O. McCollum of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division appointed Monita on March 28, 2019. He joins Board of Park Commissioners president Karen L. Davis and vice president Jessica Saunders. Monita replaces […]

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Tree Houses

Published March 15, 2019

Five Rivers MetroParks sank more than 500 Christmas trees in Eastwood Lake in January. Don’t worry — people were done with them. Lakes need protected places for small fish to lay eggs, so that big fish will have more to eat and anglers will have more to fish for. Eastwood’s shoreline doesn’t have enough trees […]

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