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Bats Motel

Updated February 28th, 2019

There are too many bats bunking in the barn at Possum Creek MetroPark. So we asked Buchanan’s Wildlife Solutions to mount several bat boxes on the outside of the barn, hoping the bats will roost there instead of on the barn’s rafters. “The guano the bats are dropping in the barn is posing health concerns,” […]

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Be Prepared for Your Outdoor Adventure

Updated February 28th, 2019

Safety may not be the first thing on your mind when you head outdoors to bike, paddle, hike or picnic, but you need to be prepared for anything! Prepare yourself by taking part in a wilderness first aid courses this spring, brought to you by Five Rivers MetroParks and Wilderness Medical Associates. Wilderness Medicine Open Recertification […]

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Seed Starting Basics

Updated February 28th, 2019

Are you tired of the dreary weather as much as we are? Itching for that final frost date? Beat back those winter blues by planning and preparing for your community garden or garden plot. If you haven’t determined what to plant, now is a great time to make those decisions. (In the “Mark Your Calendar” […]

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Here’s a Gardening Checklist to Get You Through the Last Part of Winter

Updated February 28th, 2019

Even the mid-30s and low 40s forecast for early February are going to feel balmy compared with those Polar Vortex temps, won’t they? Relatively milder days can give you a much-needed energy boost — so channel it into some serious garden planning. Here’s an easy checklist to get you through the last full month of […]

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Prepping Your Parks

Published February 5, 2019

A behind-the-scenes look at what your MetroParks team is up to this season The American kestrel is the smallest and most common falcon in North America — but these birds aren’t always the wildlife staff find during the wintertime cleaning of kestrel nesting boxes. “Sometimes, you’ll open the box and a pair of screech owls […]

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This Is What Conservation Looks Like

Published September 11, 2018

con·ser·va·tion (noun) känsərˈvāSH(ə)n/ The action of conserving something, in particular: preservation, protection or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation and wildlife. preservation, repair and prevention of deterioration of archaeological, historical and cultural sites and artifacts. Conservation is the science-based philosophy and inspiration that guides the long-term management and protection of the nearly 16,000 […]

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Ripple Effect

Published May 11, 2018

Healthy rivers mean healthy wildlife The cascading positive effects of reforestation have been well documented and can be seen in Dayton — as evidenced by the return of bald eagles. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, bald eagles were near extinction just 40 years ago due to the effects of the chemical DDT […]

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Sometimes Conservation Requires A Serious Dose of Eradication

Published September 29, 2017

IT’S AN ONGOING EFFORT TO PROTECT OUR REGION’S NATIVE PLANT SPECIES Five Rivers MetroParks is gearing up to deliver its annual honeysuckle prescription. Left to grow wild, this invasive plant chokes local ecosystems. MetroParks conservation staff are getting to the bottom of the problem, with a solution that hitches a ride with the nutrients that […]

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Splash Parks & Pads in Dayton

Published May 22, 2017

If you’re scratching your head and wondering what a “Splash Park” could possibly be, you certainly are not alone.  Splash Parks, or Pads, have become an overnight sensation in many parts of the Midwest as kids and parents alike seek solace from the scorching summer rays. The parks are usually composed of crumb rubber or […]

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Nature: Fertile prairie near Dayton produces rare fern

Updated May 22nd, 2017

Last spring, I was excited to see a report from Dave Nolin about his discovery of a rare fern. Nolin is a former administrator for Dayton’s Five Rivers MetroParks and a consummate naturalist. He is passionate about Huffman Prairie, which occupies nearly 100 acres at the southern end of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This prairie […]

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