MetroParks News

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“An impact for the whole community”

Updated August 21st, 2019

Last year, Janice Mittelkamp saw a documentary called “Lives Well Lived,” and the next day she applied for a horticulture position at Wegerzyn Gardens MetroPark. Mittelkamp had been a landscape architect since 1990 and she liked her job, but after she heard the elderly adults in the film talk about how important it is to love […]

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Employee Spotlight: Sherman Howard

Updated August 21st, 2019

You’ve probably seen him doing his facilities rounds at the 2nd St. Market, easily smiling and making his way calmly through the crowds to take care of the next task, one of many he’s probably already done since he unlocked the doors at 5:30 AM. Sherman Howard is the backbone of the Market, say Market […]

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Rare Fly Sightings

Published August 21, 2019

The Five Rivers Metroparks conservation team went on insect patrol in late July and found two rare dragon and damselfly species at the Great Miami Mitigation bank. MaLisa Spring, a dragonfly expert from the Museum of Biological Diversity in Columbus, joined the search and was thrilled when the group spotted a large population of Paiute […]

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Native Plants Get Their Own Law

Published August 21, 2019

A new Ohio law doesn’t make it a crime to plant non-native flowers, trees or shrubs, but Amy Sellers hopes it will make people think twice about what they’re putting in their yards and gardens. “I’m kind of a native plant dork,” says Sellers, a horticulture technician at Cox Arboretum MetroPark. And she hopes that House […]

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(Somewhat) urgent care for ash trees

Updated July 12th, 2019

The tree will tell you when it’s ready for its shot, thank you very much. Five Rivers MetroParks Conservation Supervisor Meredith Cobb and her team of technicians are beginning this summer’s emerald ash borer treatments, but as the temperature climbs or the humidity falls, the treatment window gets narrower. “You have to use a lot […]

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Learning and Growing

Updated July 12th, 2019

The Garden of Life in New Lebanon is aptly named. Aside from providing healthy produce to local families, the community garden teaches people valuable living skills. Most of the garden — 1,700 square feet of it — is run by high school interns. Garden Coordinator Margo Royer-Miller says the young gardeners learn how to grow […]

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Watching the Wetlands

Published May 16, 2019

The Great Miami Mitigation Bank is a literal field day for local college students. While University of Dayton Ph.D. student Michaela Woods is leading a research team working to restore the health of 30 acres of soil at the 360-acre site, Wittenberg University Associate Professor Dr. Amber Burgett and two of her advanced biology students […]

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Winging It

Published May 16, 2019

Some people bystand. Other people jump in lakes with both feet when a duck needs help. Jeremy Barkley is one of those people. On a brisk day in early April, Barkley — a Notre Dame Mission Volunteers AmeriCorps member serving at Five Rivers MetroParks — was birding at Eastwood MetroPark when he noticed a ring-necked […]

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Nature’s Classroom

Published May 8, 2019

Get Out & Explore Your MetroParks with Staff and Volunteer Experts Yvonne Entingh’s passion for backpacking began with an introductory program hosted by MetroParks. As MetroParks’ outdoor recreation specialists shared their personal adventures on the trails, how-tos and examples of what to pack, her interest continued to grow. Entingh recalled a MetroParks backpacking program that […]

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Office Park

Published May 8, 2019

Strengthen your work team while supporting your parks. Your Five Rivers MetroParks includes 18 parks, 160 miles of managed trails and 270 miles of river corridor — meaning parks and conservation staff have full plates when it comes to keeping those green spaces, waterways and habitats beautiful and thriving. It also means volunteer groups are […]

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