Updated August 8th, 2023

Not-to-miss meteor shower this summer

The spectacular meteor shower, the Perseids, will light up the sky starting as early as next week. According to astronomers, stargazers can expect to see up to 60 meteors an hour on a clear night. Typically the early mornings of August 12 and 13 (when the shower peaks) are opportunities to view the most meteors, according to Space.com.

The Perseid meteors are small specks of ice and dust that come from the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle. Named after the constellation Perseus, the Perseids appear when the Earth collides with these small particles from the tail of the comet.

What to look for

On a clear evening with little sky glow and light from the moon, you can likely catch meteors sweeping across the sky up to 10 days before its peak.

Know before you glow

When it comes to stargazing, the darker the better. While you can turn the lights of on your property, additional factors, such as moonlight and light pollution, are a challenge.

Light pollution is something that affects your ability to see the night sky clearly and has larger implications for the environment.

“Light pollution impacts a number of things,” said MetroParks education coordinator Joshua York. “Animals change their nocturnal habits due to light pollution.”

MetroParks has signed the Lights Out Miami Valley agreement to keep its building lights off at night. We invite your household to join us when possible – even on nights when you aren’t stargazing.

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If your children are interested in learning more about light pollution, consider participating in this citizen science project, Globe at Night.

For stargazing purposes, you’ll want to find the darkest spot in your yard. Turn your household lights off and move away from streetlights.

If possible, head away from city glow. The Germantown area is a great place to stargaze, as it has little light pollution. (Note: Germantown MetroPark’s hours are 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

Make it an adventure

Local astronomer, educator and outdoor recreation enthusiast, Joe Childers recommends stargazing as part of a larger adventure.

“Watching meteor showers is a fantastic way to pass the time while night fishing,” he said.

Camping also is a great way to make stargazing an outdoor event for you and your family. Whether you have a favorite camping spot or want to set up in your back yard, MetroParks’ outdoor recreation team has some tips to help you prepare. Watch the video below for Brent and Margaret’s guide to setting up camp.


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